Natural White Teeth Whitening
Process: The gels work to remove all stains from the teeth, no matter how deep-rooted they are. Naturawhite gels are made up of molecules which are triggered by heat and light, thus speeding up the process. Perfect for: Anyone looking to smile brighter everyday! Does the treatment lighten crowns: No, only natural teeth will be affected. Crowns, fillings and other dental work will remain the same colour, although some surface stains may be removed. What does the aftercare involve: Clients should not eat or drink dark, staining substances for 48 hours after the session. These include coffee, tea, red wine and coke; smoking should also be avoided. Location: You will find this chic clinic in Bristol. What this treatment involves: A solution is applied to teeth, before a plastic mouthpiece is inserted. An intense light will then be directed at teeth, designed to reduce yellow staining and return teeth to their earlier, natural colour. Valid: Mon, 10am- 2:30pm /3:30pm- 5pm/5:30pm- 8pm Tue, 10am- 2:30pm/3:30pm-4:30pm Wed, 10am- 2:45pm/4:30pm- 8pm Thu, 10am- 1:10pm/3:30-8pm Fri, 10am-2:30pm/3:30- 5:30pm Sat, 10am- 1:45pm- 2:30-5:30pm Natural White Teeth Whitening | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Process: The gels work to remove all stains from the teeth, no matter how deep-rooted they are. Naturawhite gels are made up of molecules which are triggered by heat and light, thus speeding up the process. Perfect for: Anyone looking to smile brighter everyday! Does the treatment lighten crowns: No, only natural teeth will be affected. Crowns, fillings and other dental work will remain the same colour, although some surface stains may be removed. What does the aftercare involve: Clients should not eat or drink dark, staining substances for 48 hours after the session. These include coffee, tea, red wine and coke; smoking should also be avoided. Location: You will find this chic clinic in Bristol. What this treatment involves: A solution is applied to teeth, before a plastic mouthpiece is inserted. An intense light will then be directed at teeth, designed to reduce yellow staining and return teeth to their earlier, natural colour. Valid: Mon, 10am- 2:30pm /3:30pm- 5pm/5:30pm- 8pm Tue, 10am- 2:30pm/3:30pm-4:30pm Wed, 10am- 2:45pm/4:30pm- 8pm Thu, 10am- 1:10pm/3:30-8pm Fri, 10am-2:30pm/3:30- 5:30pm Sat, 10am- 1:45pm- 2:30-5:30pm Natural White Teeth Whitening | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Mrechant:LivingSocial UK
Category: Beauty