3-Month Magzter Gold Subscription – Over 8500 Magazines/Newspapers! | Wowcher
Read: 8,500+ magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages. Read offline: You will be able to download the magazines and articles to read offline. Perfect for: Any avid readers in the house! Access: Magzter website, iOS, Android, Amazon and Windows apps. Enjoy: Access premium stories curated from best-selling titles, readind anytime and anywhere. Check it out: Make sure to check out all the magazine and newspaper options here!
Read: 8,500+ magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages. Read offline: You will be able to download the magazines and articles to read offline. Perfect for: Any avid readers in the house! Access: Magzter website, iOS, Android, Amazon and Windows apps. Enjoy: Access premium stories curated from best-selling titles, readind anytime and anywhere. Check it out: Make sure to check out all the magazine and newspaper options here!