8-Point 4ml Dermal Filler Facelift
Valid: Mon - Sat, 10am - 5pm. Perfect for: Attempting to give your face a lifted and more youthful appearance. The treatment: The treatment involves injecting dermal filler to a specific sequence of target areas of the mid face. Potential results: The aim is to lift, contour and revitalise the whole mid and lower face. 8-Point facelift: We're offering you an 8-point facelift using 4ml of dermal filler. Location: The salon is located on City Road in Cardiff. 8-Point 4Ml Dermal Filler Facelift | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Valid: Mon – Sat, 10am – 5pm. Perfect for: Attempting to give your face a lifted and more youthful appearance. The treatment: The treatment involves injecting dermal filler to a specific sequence of target areas of the mid face. Potential results: The aim is to lift, contour and revitalise the whole mid and lower face. 8-Point facelift: We’re offering you an 8-point facelift using 4ml of dermal filler. Location: The salon is located on City Road in Cardiff. 8-Point 4Ml Dermal Filler Facelift | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Mrechant:LivingSocial UK
Category: Beauty