Body Scan Analysis
Health check: Take care of your body with bioresonance body scan analysis at Heaven, Sheffield. Bioresonance: System with the ability to check and analyse all of the automatic processes and internal functions of the body, which can then produce a functional health assessment of the body's tissues getting to the root of any problems. Analysis: Aims to make a diagnosis and establish a treatment using oscillatory field frequencies. Treatment: It is extremely useful to detect functional disorders, followed by the second part of the session where an adequate treatment to correct is initiated to help return organism to its normal physiological activity. Experienced: With 8 years experience and 9 years of advanced training customers are in the best hands. Valid: Tue, 8am - 7pm; Thu, 8am - 7pm; Fri, 8am - 2pm; Sat, 8am - 7pm. Asses: Vitamins check, Chakras check, Consciousness check, organs check, Micro & Macro elements, Body Deficiency, Collagen Level, Illnesses. Body Scan Analysis | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Health check: Take care of your body with bioresonance body scan analysis at Heaven, Sheffield. Bioresonance: System with the ability to check and analyse all of the automatic processes and internal functions of the body, which can then produce a functional health assessment of the body’s tissues getting to the root of any problems. Analysis: Aims to make a diagnosis and establish a treatment using oscillatory field frequencies. Treatment: It is extremely useful to detect functional disorders, followed by the second part of the session where an adequate treatment to correct is initiated to help return organism to its normal physiological activity. Experienced: With 8 years experience and 9 years of advanced training customers are in the best hands. Valid: Tue, 8am – 7pm; Thu, 8am – 7pm; Fri, 8am – 2pm; Sat, 8am – 7pm. Asses: Vitamins check, Chakras check, Consciousness check, organs check, Micro & Macro elements, Body Deficiency, Collagen Level, Illnesses. Body Scan Analysis | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
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Category: Healthcare