Facial Acupuncture & Cupping
Acupuncture: No knead to feel tense as the acupuncture session aims to stimulate the facial muscles to improve skin elasticity. Cupping: Placing cups on to your skin, the treatment is designed to reduce sore muscles, improve circulation and promote mobility. Valid: Mon - Fri, 8am - 6.30pm and Sat, 8am - 6pm. Perfect for: The perfect session for those who have been feeling the strain over the past few months, and in need of some professional TLC. Location: A friendly and welcoming clinic in Sheffield. Treatment: Feel pampered with a one-hour facial acupuncture and cupping treatment at Physiotherapy Sheffield & Sports Injury. Facial Acupuncture & Cupping | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Acupuncture: No knead to feel tense as the acupuncture session aims to stimulate the facial muscles to improve skin elasticity. Cupping: Placing cups on to your skin, the treatment is designed to reduce sore muscles, improve circulation and promote mobility. Valid: Mon – Fri, 8am – 6.30pm and Sat, 8am – 6pm. Perfect for: The perfect session for those who have been feeling the strain over the past few months, and in need of some professional TLC. Location: A friendly and welcoming clinic in Sheffield. Treatment: Feel pampered with a one-hour facial acupuncture and cupping treatment at Physiotherapy Sheffield & Sports Injury. Facial Acupuncture & Cupping | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
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Category: Beauty