Massage, Cupping & Acupuncture
Acupuncture: No knead to feel tense as the 40-minute acupuncture session aims to stimulate the central nervous system and relax you. Treatment: Feel pampered with an acupuncture, massage and cupping treatment at Nirvana Health Spa. Massage: Feel relaxed and refreshed with a 15-minute deep tissue massage designed to work on those pesky knots and help to soothe muscles. Cupping: Placing cups on to your skin, the 15-minute treatment is designed to reduce sore muscles, improve circulation and promote mobility. Location: A trendy and welcoming clinic in Finchley. Valid: Finchley: Mon, Tue and Sat, 11am -5.30pm. Perfect for: Anyone needing a bit of TLC. Massage, Cupping & Acupuncture | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
Acupuncture: No knead to feel tense as the 40-minute acupuncture session aims to stimulate the central nervous system and relax you. Treatment: Feel pampered with an acupuncture, massage and cupping treatment at Nirvana Health Spa. Massage: Feel relaxed and refreshed with a 15-minute deep tissue massage designed to work on those pesky knots and help to soothe muscles. Cupping: Placing cups on to your skin, the 15-minute treatment is designed to reduce sore muscles, improve circulation and promote mobility. Location: A trendy and welcoming clinic in Finchley. Valid: Finchley: Mon, Tue and Sat, 11am -5.30pm. Perfect for: Anyone needing a bit of TLC. Massage, Cupping & Acupuncture | Regional | Living Social | Living Social
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Category: Beauty